Friday, September 30, 2005

The shortest stories

Here some short stories that I wrote... I mean "really" short. In fact some writers already write these kind of stories. It's bit like japanese haiku's, short, story telling poems. Time to time I can come back and add more to this post, who knows. Here it goes:

He always forgot that he had such a bad memory.


"The law of nature is hard to break" he thought, while he was falling in love again.


"Never forget this.." said to his son, "everybody looses something in life, sooner or later." Then he put the flowers on his wife's grave and left.


First he heard his father and then a slap. He just crawled under his bed and closed his eyes while he heard his mother's cry.


"Now is the time to tell her about my feelings" he thought, looked at his clock, smelled the flowers and dropped the gift he prepared when he saw her with her boyfriend hand in hand.


She turned off the alarm clock and turned around to give him a sunday morning kiss.


"I don't know if I feel alone or I am alone" he said to his reflection on the mirror. He heard no response.


Sadness was all he felt while he remembered the things he'd lost, things he could have done, he had neither laughed nor felt happy in his life. Then he put his red nose, finished his make up, put on his giant shoes and walked to the stage.




He couldn't know if he had to prepare himself for a birthday or for a funeral when doctor told him that they lost one of the twins.





SILENT (This one is not mine!)
- My God!
- What?
- I said "My God".
- What did he say?
- Nothing.


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2 Noises:

At Saturday, October 01, 2005 2:43:00 PM, Blogger starbender said...

Just surfin' around... I really like your "short stories"!

At Saturday, February 11, 2006 7:50:00 PM, Blogger ..Insane_Racounter.. said...

Fabulous...The topics you chose.. the
Terse words that say so much..


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